David Croucher — ASN Events

David Croucher

Garvan Institute of Medical Research, NSW, Australia

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
David completed his undergraduate studies and Ph.D. research at the University of Wollongong, followed by a post-doctoral position at the Garvan Institute, all of which focused on the characterisation of individual signalling proteins in the behaviour of cancer cells. Pursuing the idea that these cancer-related proteins do not act in isolation, but are actually embedded within dynamic networks, David undertook a second post-doctoral position at Systems Biology Ireland in University College Dublin. After establishing an independent research group at Systems Biology Ireland, David received a Future Research Leader grant from Cancer Institute NSW and returned to the Garvan Institute as head of the Network Biology group. The focus of his research group is the investigation of network level aberrations induced by oncogenes and oncogenic mutations, ultimately aiming to elucidate how altered network behaviour leads to therapeutic resistance