Alex Swarbrick
Garvan Institute of Medical Research, NSW, Australia
Alex is a Senior Principal Research Fellow and co-leader of the Strategic program in Dynamic Cancer Ecosystems in the Garvan Institute of Medical Research; a conjoint associate professor at UNSW Sydney and an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow. Alex completed his PhD at UNSW, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship with J. Michael Bishop at UCSF. His lab applies cellular genomics to human breast & prostate cancer & melanoma to gain systems-level insights into disease aetiology and the development of novel treatment strategies.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The Role of Helix-loop-helix Transcription Factors in Mammary Gland Lineage Commitment (#26)
3:30 PM
Holly Holliday
Session 7 (jointly with Cell-Dev Biology): Stem Cells Reprogramming
The paracrine Hedgehog-FGF axis mediates cancer stem cell plasticity in triple negative breast cancers (#108)
12:35 PM
Aurélie Cazet
Session 12: Poster Talks