High Contrast Cellular Cryo-Tomography with the Volta Phase Plate — ASN Events

High Contrast Cellular Cryo-Tomography with the Volta Phase Plate (#46)

Georg Ramm 1
  1. Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia

Cellular cryo-tomography can visualise high-resolution structural details of the unperturbed cellular architecture. However, contrast in cryo tomography samples is low and is usually achieved using interference contrast obtained by out of focus imaging and microscope aberration. Phase plates offer a better mechanism for high contrast even when imaging in focus but have long suffered from instability. The recently developed practical implementations of Volta phase plates have overcome these problems and allow the high contrast visualisation of structural details without loss in resolution due to defocus imaging. We are using the Volta phase plate in combination with energy filtering and direct electron detection on a 300keV cryo-TEM to image the thin edge of the cellular periphery of MEF cells to gain insights into the cytoskeletal network and its interaction with membrane compartments.